Chasseur immo

Ready to find your property?

SINCE 2009  

We centralise properties according to YOUR criteria

Bureau Central, is a real estate professional.
We support anyone willing to buy or invest in real estate safely while reaping the benefits of expertise and a well-established network.


Why hire a property hunter?

Because looking for accommodation or an investment is not an easy task!

  • because a property hunter takes care of everything, from the research to negotiations up to the final signature, and sometimes more!

  • because he has access to a wide network which allows you to be first on the asset that suits you.

  • because he enjoys an expert knowledge of the market and regulations.

  • because he will complete your project safely.

  • because you will love buying!


We are your eyes and your time!
A single contact!
Personalised service!
We find, you buy!


We help you buy your home or your investment property!

Unlike a real estate agency, we are 100% at the buyer’s side. We work for you and defend your interests!

  • We look over the entire market: non-portfolio properties, agencies, individuals, property dealers, developers, lawyers…

  • We react swiftly to not miss the property that would suit your needs. We send quick, thorough and regular feedback.

  • We perform all the necessary checks

  • We negotiate and draft your offer with all the provisions required for your protection

  • We stay by your side until the final signature before the lawyer

Your Benefits

& Responsiveness
No more useless
Urban-planning and Administrative
from A to Z


4 steps service:

  • Intensive search through our network, with all the market players and over all media

  • Pre-visits, analysis and investigations by the hunter of the properties selected for you

  • Reporting: Feedback on the visited properties in your personal private space on the platform

  • Visit with you of the properties you chose

  • If you have a crush: In-depth analysis, negotiation and drafting of the offer

  • Administrative monitoring of the offer until signature of the deed of sale

And much more : Appointment for quotes, access to expert advice, counter transfers, inspection upon signature…


Connect to your personal client space where your hunter uploads properties, his feedback, comments and reviews.

You receive a notification as soon as a property has been visited and uploaded. Through the platform you receive a description that you may peruse at any time.



Bureau Central is not a real estate agency.
It is a consultancy, support and research bureau.

Backed by years’ experience, we offer you our expertise and market knowledge. We also pay much attention to market evolution and regulations in the real estate industry and get regular training in order to be totally up to date with all these changes and be in a position to give you detailed and accurate advice.

The property hunter’s role is to support and coach individuals in Belgium or in foreign countries to enable them to make a real estate purchase safely when they cannot complete it themselves because they lack time or responsiveness or even, are afraid.

Our strength is our ability to listen, availability and drive.
Client satisfaction is the best reward.


Alexandra – was great!

I had been trying to buy a property for some time and found that either I didn’t have time to make an appointment and visit, the properties I visited were disappointing, or, they were sold before I could visit. So I thought I would give a hunter a try. I already knew a couple of people who had found great properties with hunters…

…And I’m so glad I did give Bureau Central a try. My hunter Alexandra was incredibly helpful and hard-working and always available to answer any questions I had. She quickly helped me to understand the market and re-appraise my expectations. She worked hard to find me a number of properties to visit at times that were convenient for me. And she talked me through the different processes to make an offer, to sign the ‘compromis’ etc.

In the end I found a great place in less than one months. And I couldn’t have done it by myself.
I fully recommend Alexandra and Bureau Central to anyone considering buying a property in Brussels.


Chère Mme Letaief,

Nous tenions à vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre professionnalisme et le remarquable travail que vous avez réalisé lors de l’achat de notre appartement.

Nous avons pu compter sur vous, et avons eu réponses à toutes nos questions rapidement.

Nous ne manquerons pas de vous recommander et faire appel à vos services dès que besoin.


Très satisfait de la disponibilité et des conseils d Alexandra, qui a tout de suite compris notre requête et nous a accompagnés jusqu’à la fin de la mission. Avec tous nos remerciements


Après un an de recherches infructueuses, Alexandra nous a trouvé un appartement correspondant à nos critères en trois semaines. Elle nous a accompagné tout au long du processus d’achat, toujours avec bonne humeur et de bons conseils! Nous recommandons ses services sans hésitation.

G & M

Alexandra s’est parfaitement occupée de ma recherche d’appartement . Comprenant mes attentes et besoins, Il ne lui a fallu que moins de 15 jours pour trouver un appartement correspondant en tous points à ma recherche et une offre a pu être rédigée avec son aide au mieux de mes intérêts et acceptée aussitôt par les vendeurs.
Alexandra m’a ensuite accompagné et aidé tout au long du processus d’achat jusqu’à la signature de l’acte de vente devant notaire et même après pour certains conseils personnalisés.
Je recommande vivement Alexandra pour son professionnalisme, sa parfaite connaissance du marché immobilier et son service attentif et ‘aux petits soins’ pour ses clients.

K. H.


3 bedroom house with garden

2 bedroom flat with balcony

Investment property building – 4 units

2 bedroom flat with terrace

3 bedroom flat with terrace and garden

Let’s have a coffee and talk about it! :

+32 2 762 95 78

Avenue Louise 78
1050 Bruxelles

Property Hunter – Appartment finder – Home finder – Purchase – Apartment search – Real estate analysis – Investment – Studio search – Consultancy service – Investment property building search – Real estate market study – Investigations house search – General assembly minutes reading – Urban-planning checks – Real estate expert – Negotiation – Property purchase – Preliminary sale agreement reading – Lawyer follow-up – Counters reading – Inspections – Buying a garage –Garage blocks